Monday, February 8, 2010

If I Ain't Got Money...

I love weddings and I love wedding planning. I have been obsessed with it since before I was even in a serious relationship with anyone. I buy into the hype of having pretty little details that no one will notice. I don’t mind sweating blood and tears into little crafts that a 5 year old could do better. I understand that there’s a whole wedding industry that’s been built around people like me who’s willing to spend money just for one day. However, I am still have my limits (after all, I am an accountant – aka realistic). Brian and I have set our budget and while it’s not a platinum wedding, it is a significant amount of money that has taken us a while to save for. We know we’re luckier than a LOT of people and that our budget is all relative. However, I can’t stand it when vendors make me feel bad about not being able to afford their business.

I came across a website for a photographer and on her pricing page, it stated “most brides budget between $5,000 - $10,000. If interested, please contact me for more information.” I’m sorry if you think this is a tactful way of saying, “if you ain’t got 5 G’s, you ain’t got me.” I can understand if your price point starts at $5,000 so why not just state that politely without coming through as condescending towards everyone else who can’t afford you.

I have met with vendors who have been outside my budget but have been very gracious during the meeting and have gone out of their way to find someone else as substitutes. I wish all people were like them. Has anyone else had similar experiences where they were left with a bad taste in their mouth from a vendor?

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